Thursday, October 29, 2009

3 MORE WEEKS!? Really!?

Okay, so I am going to try to remain positive. On a good note, Matthew is doing a GREAT job leading a team at a really tough bank. On a not so good note, well, the bank isnt doing as great as Matthew is and that means they will be there longer :( :( 

I have gotten better about his travel schedule and have felt pretty positive for the past........10 weeks he has been out of town but when I get a certain time in my brain and something changes I am always so devastated. What is a couple more weeks, really, when I have already been doing this for 10 or more??? It amazes me how Satan will take my disappointment and use it to totally ruin my day or my attitude which in turn makes things tougher on Matthew and my kids. The bigger picture here would be that Matthew HAS A JOB which right now, let's face it, is quit a blessing. The bigger picture here is that I have a husband who LIKES his job and is good at it. The bigger picture would be that my kids are happy and fed and hey, what doesnt kill you  makes you stronger right!? So why do I take such a SMALL part of the BIG picture and focus on it? I guess this is a struggle for every life in some form or fashion.

I remember when we were trying to have kids and we were having a tough time. I finally learned that I had to stop spending so much time focusing on what I DIDNT have because it was making me miss what I DID have right in front of me. I suppose, 3 years later, this is no different. I need to really pray for God to give me the strength and patience that I need to be a good mother and a supportive, loving wife. That is a journey and a prayer that will NEVER be done. God is always working and changing my heart and helping me through each day and if I can just remember THAT then yep, 3 weeks doesnt seem like such a big deal.

Gotta go finish cleaning the house so I can relax and use the weekend, when Matthew is home, to just enjoy being a family. PLUS, I am looking forward to the kids going trick or treating on Saturday. :)

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