Wednesday, October 7, 2009

A little bit of background.

Where to begin. This past week was the 11year anniversary of my very first date with my husband, Matthew. We started dating when I was 15. He is my best friend and I cant imagine my life without him. We have two beautiful children. Our Son Landon is 2 and our daughter Madi is 2......yes, that's right....boy/girl twins! The first question a lot of people ask me is "Do twins run in your family"? I STILL havent really decided on a good way to answer that.

Matthew and I tried to have children for what felt like a very long time (3 1/2 years). I prayed and I cried and I laughed and I got mad and in the end, as horrible as infertility can be, I would now say that it is the best thing that ever happened to me (outside of my husband and children of course).

Crazy huh? How can something so frustrating and emotionally draining can be the best thing that ever happened to me? Well, looking back I can see so many different ways that God has blessed my life through our struggle.  I met so many wonderful, loving , compassionate people. Some of my best friends are a direct result of a bond that formed out of having infertility in common.

I want this blog to be a means of keeping up with friends and family of course but I also want this blog to let other women out there that are struggling with infertility know that their desire to be a mom is NOT a mistake and even though the journey is long and hard, it can be the best thing that ever happened in your life too.....dont lose hope and keep the faith. God gave you the desire to be a mom for a reason and He can use you and He can bless you in your journey.

I hope that as you get to know me or my background, God will show you that even through my imperfections and mistakes, HE was loving enough and strong enough and forgiving enough to use even me. How awesome to serve a God that see's who He DESIRES us to be? Pretty amazing.

Landon and Madison are both up from their naps now but I look forward to telling my story. I am not  ashamed of our struggles and I not afraid to put myself out there. I am determined to use my journey, joys AND heartaches, for God's glory.

Katie Champion

1 comment:

  1. Hi Katie :). Looking forward to following your blog!

    -krisstel and family
