Wednesday, October 14, 2009

One of "those" days

50 degrees and raining does NOT make for a fun day when it comes to having 2 year old twins. When I would imagine myself as a mother I pictured playing and laughing and coloring with my kids. I never imagined two kids that constantly want whatever toy the other one has or kids that didnt eat their dinner after I spent an hour just trying to keep them content enough so I could actually COOK dinner and I definitely didnt picture myself basically trapped indoors with children that would rather play outside than anything else in the world. Yep, today was one of those days where I have to sit down, take a deep breath and remind myself of the years of praying and crying and yearning to be a mother and just thank God for 2 healthy, beautiful, (mostly) happy children.


  1. Hey! I just stumbled across your blog! I hope all is well with you and your sweet family! We still miss you at bunko! :) Heather

  2. Ditto to what Heather said :) We definitely miss you at Bunko! I just found your blog today & I love it, I will have to add a link to it on mine so I can keep up with you. Your kids are precious!
