Monday, October 12, 2009

Home Sweet Home

What an eventful weekend it turned out to be! Matthew got home late on Thursday after driving in from a bank in South Carolina. ( about 7hrs from our house! ) We didnt end up going to bed until 1:30ish in the morning. We could have gone to bed sooner but naturally, we wanted to at least chat about how our week had gone and what our plans were for the weekend. I got up on Friday morning and flew to Montgomery Al to go and visit friends and family but also primarily to hold a couple of Jewelry Shows for my business. I had a great time of course but now, I find myself to be totally exhausted!

Matthew had to leave again this afternoon to head back to work in South Carolina and he wont be home until late on Thurs. His schedule the next couple of months isnt going to be much fun but I know that God is going to take care of all of us and give me the strength I need to take good care of our children. It is so funny to me that Matthew has a job that requires so much travel. Mainly because before I was ever married I used to say that i would NEVER marry a man that had to travel all the time for his job. Well, after 6 months of being married, Matthew graduated from college and the only job he could get was a bank examiner position with the State of Alabama and guess what? It required lots of traveling! of course when he told me I cried and cried and he said, "dont worry babe, it is only temporary until i find something else'. LOL, well, here we are almost 6years later and he is STILL traveling!

One of the main reasons we moved to Virginia was so that I can have more help when he is out of town. You wouldnt believe how hard it is to do simple things like take a shower or go to the store or run into the Post Office when you have 2 two year olds! It is such a blessing to live close to my family. I still struggle with having to basically take care of the kids on my own during the week but just knowing that if I am in a total jam or at my breaking point, I have family down the road to help me makes everything so much easier.

I have my Open House Premier Jewelry party this coming Saturday and I am really looking forward to it. I have always LOVED having company over and LOVED wearing jewelry so it is the perfect situation for me :)

I suppose I should go to bed now since it is getting so late. I will be back to post a few pictures tomorrow. Hopefully my Monday blues will be over by then and I can find some sort of rhythm to make the rest of the week enjoyable for the kids and whoever else has to be around me :)

Good night everyone,

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